Happy New Year!
We hope you enjoyed your winter break vacation!! Good luck to everyone with their finals.
Our after-school Cultural Classes will start on the third Saturday (1/21) of January.
We are pleased to offer the following new classes for the spring semester.
Adult Mandarin Class
Children’s Chinese Folk Dance
Everyone who is currently taking a Culture class has the option to switch classes in the new semester. If you are switching to a new culture class or
did not take a class last semester, you can sign up this Saturday.
Adult Tai Chi Cafeteria
Adult Cantonese Conversation C101
Adult Chinese Calligraphy D108
Children’s Table Tennis Cafeteria
Children’s Chinese Folk Dance Cafeteria (back)
Children’s Soccer Team Field
Children’s Chinese Chess C108
Children’s Arts and Crafts D110
Children’s Chinese Painting C104
Children’s Origami C102
Children’s Chinese Yo-Yo Cafeteria
Children’s Chinese Knotting C105
Culture classes start at noon and usually last from 30 to 45 minutes. However, classes can run longer depending on the instructor.
Additional information can be found on our website: www.chsnj2000.org/year/teachers/culture/
If you have any questions please contact Benito Leon at bkleon@gmail.com He will also be available to answer any questions on Saturday in the cafeteria.
成人廣東話交談班 C101
成人中國書法班 D108
兒童中國象棋班 C108
兒童工藝品班 D110
兒童中國畫班 C104
兒童摺紙班 C102
兒童中國 Yo-Yo ( 空竹球) 班
兒童中國結手工藝班 C105*
*中國結 – 是一種裝飾手工藝品,是一種中國民間藝術形式。古稱絡子,歷史悠久,並影響到周邊國家的裝飾藝術如日本結、朝鮮結。
如有任何疑問,請電郵至 bkleon@gmail.com (Benito Leon ) 查詢