Happy New Year. Hope you had a nice and relaxing holiday break.
CHS Stage production team is now recruiting new members for 2017. For TAs you can see this as a training program. It may also be part of your high-school activities that may help your college application.
We have about 6-7 experienced members in the team, but every year we also try to train more members. The training program will be done “on the job”, and it will span all three shows of the year. In the program, new members form Team B and current members form Team A. Team B members will be helping out Team A members in the first two shows, with a goal to “graduate” at year end and run the third show by themselves (with Team A members assisting). These are the three shows and their dates for this year:
• Chinese New Year Celebration (Feb 4, 2017)
• Recital Day (April 29, 2017)
• Graduation Ceremony (June 10, 2017)
The work load is very light (busy only in the weeks leading up to the performances) with tons of fun!
We roughly have the following positions in the team:
• Stage manager
• Sound master
• Light master
• Performer manager (aka Marshal)
• Communication equipment manager / stage hands
If you are interested, please fill out the following form by Jan 14, 2017 (Saturday). We will have our first meeting around mid January.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Justin: justin08810@yahoo.com, Russell: russell.jung@gmail.com or Julie: jtam@wisedesign.cc
This is an exciting way to get involved more with CHS! We invite parents, TAs, and C9 students to join us. You do not need to have any prior experience of stage production — just come with your curiosity and enthusiasm! We look forward to hearing from you.
Justin Lam
Russell Jung
有意者,請在一月十四日前,到以下連結, 填寫及遞交表格。
如有任何疑問請聯絡 Justin: justin08810@yahoo.com, Russell: russell.jung@gmail.com 和 Julie: jtam@wisedesign.cc.
Justin Lam
Russell Jung
(華仁中文學校 舞台製作團隊)[:]