The sale of holiday gifts will continue tomorrow. In addition to the items mentioned before, there will be a limited quantity of pre-pack hand-crafted herbal soaps for sale tomorrow.
To name a few, they are:
-Cinnamon goat milk
-Green tea goat milk
-Lemongrass glycerin
-Lemon thyme olive oil
-Flaxseed goat milk
Please come and buy some to support this fund-raising.
Thank You!
CHS Administration
我們將會在明天12月17日(時間: 10:15am – 11:15am),繼續進行節日精品售賣籌款,為學校營運募集資金,除了前提的隔熱午餐袋,新穎手袋,圍巾和帽子,額外附加有限量手工製作的草本肥皂,歡迎前來選購。
-Cinnamon goat milk
-Green tea goat milk
-Lemongrass glycerin
-Lemon thyme olive oil
-Flaxseed goat milk